Day Three: A book/ebook/fanfic

Day one: a song
Day two: a picture
Day three: a book/ebook/fanfic
Day four: a site
Day five: a youtube clip
Day six: a quote
Day seven: whatever tickles your fancy

So the first time around with this meme, I chose a fanfic. This time, I'm choosing an actual book. In fact, two books.

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The Color of Magic and The Light Fantastic are the first two novels of the Discworld series written by Terry Pratchett. The Discworld is a flat world resting on the back of four gigantic elephants balanced atop Great A'tuin, the World Turtle as he swims through space. On the Disc, magic is real, and it is populated by many strange and eccentric characters.

These first two books introduce the wizard Rincewind, a failure who was booted out of Unseen University. Preferring to be a coward and run from danger, Rincewind is dragged into unwanted adventures when he is hired as a guide by Twoflower, the Disc's first ever tourist and someone who is so idiotically naive that he sees the best in everyone.

I just love these books. Terry Pratchett has a brilliance for humor that never lets up. It's like blending every fantasy cliche with the warped comedic sense of Monty Python. I seriously recommend these books to anyone who enjoys fantasy and humor. While later books in the series jump between characters and story lines, these two have to be read together since the first goes directly into the second.

Go HERE to read an excerpt from The Color of Magic.
