Dental Visit #3

My mouth has been raped D:

The first thing they did this time was take molds of my teeth. They'll use the molds to make casts and study my bite and everything. The molding didn't take long, although the top mold didn't come out right the first time, so we had to do that one again.

After that, they did work on the left side, sealing problem areas and removing a couple of old fillings and replacing them. It wasn't at all pleasant lying there with my mouth jacked open for a good 15-20 minutes as they did their work, but I dealt with it cuz what can you do otherwise, ya know?

The left side of my mouth is still kind of numb, which makes eating a semi-unpleasant experience, but I'm so starved that I'm trying to ignore the inconvenience.

The appointment for work on the right side is next Monday, so the torment isn't over yet...

Of course, dental torture is a good excuse for some treat-myself shopping XD

Stopped at Best Buy first and grabbed Vol. 5 of Hell Girl and a couple of CDs, then over to Barnes & Noble where I scored the only copy of Fairy Cube Vol. 1 on the shelves (I will post about this after I read it). I also picked up the first two volumes of Fairy Tail. Hm, Fairy Cube... Fairy Tail... I see a theme here =P
