Yesterday was rather maddening on both Anime Pulse and MAL.
First off, when I got up and checked Anime Pulse, I got a rude surprise: 47 threads left by a spam-bot. And later on another came in and dropped 28 before I stopped in again to check. GAH! @_@ The spammage on AP usually happens in waves, so hopefully this will back off soon, but I've never seen it this bad before. I can deal with it, but it was still a bit of a shock.
On the flipside, I'm dealing with someone on the MAL forums who seems to have the numb idea that "marriage" is only a religious thing, and that if you don't have a church ceremony, it can't be called a marriage, meaning atheists (for example) can't say they are in a marriage with someone since they aren't religious.... guh. >>; I've been trying to point out that "marriage" (as defined in the US at least) can be both a religious AND civil contract, that a judge or justice of the peace can authorize a marriage and it has as much validity as having a ceremony in a church performed by a priest. I've told them to look all this up if they don't believe me, but so far they don't seem to be listening.
Anyway.... TACOS!
Latest news on the ongoing debate with the dude on the MAL forums. Here's what he says:
At no time did I ever infer that our supposedly secular government did not blur the lines between church and state by taking the sacrament of marriage under their control. My views are rooted in history, tradition and fact.
So now I completely understand his mentality. Because marriage started as a religious thing, no matter even if we have civil forms of marriage, it isn't marriage because it's not the 'pure and original' form.
That's it, I quit. It's like having a debate with a f*cking brick wall. >>;