Late Night Musings

Or should that be early morning musings?

Ugh, I really need to get to bed earlier, I've been staying up til the sun starts to rise, then sleeping until 1-2 in the afternoon. That's not a good habit to have, plus I think it's slowing my brain down, which makes it more difficult to get any writing done. My thought processes just freeze up.

Anyway, while wasting away the hours of the night, I took a look at AnimeOnDVD (a good place for disc-by-disc reviews). Their pick of the week was Lucky Star. Now, I always stood on the sidelines while the Lucky Star craze was going on, mostly because I've never been able to get into slice of life/comedy anime. I watched the first episode, thought it was mildly amusing, but never really watched any more.

But my curiosity got the better of me and I then went to Bandai's website to watch a trailer. Heh, well now I'm actually slightly more interested in seeing it. Tha dub sounds rather good.

And no, I'm not some dirty old otaku who's just watching it for the cute schoolgirls =P I have action, fantasy, scifi, horror, drama, and even a little romance in my collection, as well as a smidge of comedy (Fumofuu, Welcome to the NHK). I'm more interested in this as a way of rounding out my diversity.

Anyway, what are the opinions of those who have seen it? Should I, or shouldn't I?
