So, I felt like I'd finally post about what's happening with me, rather than fan spazzing. But as usual, nothing much IS happening o_O
About the only interesting thing is our neighbor two houses over - the one with the confederate flag in his front yard - has decided to do some work on his place, which entails banging, sawing, and other loud carpentry noises, usually beginning at 7 AM. Now, if my understanding of the law is right, making that much noise that early in the morning in a quiet neighborhood contitutes a charge of 'Disturbing the Peace'. But of course, if I were to try making that case, I probably wouldn't get anywhere. I just wish the guy would start his work a couple of hours later at the very least. Since he isn't likely to, I hope whatever the hell he's doing doesn't take too many more days.
All this noise has been robbing me of sleep, and since I have a bad habit of getting to bed when the sun is rising, I only get an hour or two before the racket starts up. Hoping to prevent this, and knowing I needed a good night's sleep anyway, I got to bed around 1:30 last night, although a combination of TV and music kept me kind of half-awake until around 4-something.
In other pointless news, last Thursday I bought the final volume of Witchblade, but Best Buy hadn't yet received any copies of Hell Girl Vol. 6, so I'll have to go back for that this coming weekend. After that... I'm seriously going to hold back and only buy anime in box sets. Better to save on money and space.
Currently I'm working on editing some fanfiction upon request, trying to work on a review of two of classic Doctor Who stories for the Who Files, and trying to get my brain in order to write some fanfiction of my own (which I seriously need to do).