TGDWIBOF: Thank Goodness Doctor Who Is Back On Friday!

Finally! With Doctor Who back on, it feels like the weekend again Last Friday just felt like some empty pit, with no Doctor Who, no Diners Drive-ins & Dives, and Speed Grapher still in the episode arc I can't stand to watch.

But everything was back to normal on TV tonight, so I'm content once again. It's closing in on 4 AM now (yeah, I know) and I've got the Military Channel on, because The First World War is the most interesting thing on late night TV at the moment. But I'm a history buff, so it's all good.

And Witchblade only has two more episodes left. I wonder when IFC will begin airing Hell Girl?

My folks are out of town until Saturday night, so I ordered in a pizza. They don't get to have any.

I think the cat is getting sicker. His left eye is all red, doesn't open all that way, and there's a milky film developing over it too. Not to mention he's still sneezing alot. He's started hiding most of the day out in the back room, like he did when he was sick last year. Poor guy, it's really hard to see him like that...

Anyway, expect some more Classic Doctor Who reviews in the next week. Even though there's a new episode tomorrow, I'll wait until I've seen both parts to do a review.

And to those who are wondering, yes I'm working on your editing too.
