TV Tropes: Butt Monkey and Dope Slap

Ah, Tropes, shall I sell you my soul now? Anyway, some pointless, random video posting for my own amusement, and hopefully everyone else's. :V

Category: Butt Monkey
Example: From the classic Doctor Who serial "Revenge of the Cybermen". The Doctor and a space station crew have been taken captive by the Cybermen, bombs strapped to them that will destroy Voga, the Planet of Gold (which is deadly to Cybermen) once they reach the center of it. Along comes the Doctor's faithful (but slightly bumbling) companion Harry Sullivan, who causes a rock slide that takes out the Cybermen. Unaware of the bombs, Harry tries to remove the Doctor's, leading to this scene that is also a Crowning Moment of Funny...

Category: Dope Slap
Example: Every single episode of NCIS, usually several times per episode. Used by main character Gibbs so often that in-show it is referred to as the "Gibbs Slap".
