Yep. Although my birthday isn't officially until Wednesday, I've been doing birthday-related things this weekend. This is mainly due to the fact that my parents will be heading out of town on Tuesday.
Due to an even spread of birthdays (Grandma on 7/20, Uncle's gf on 7/24, and mine on 7/28) we had a joint birthday celebratorizing-thingy last night, with deli chicken and cake and ice cream and PIE.
I got a cool new cell phone (see it HERE), although dad and mom did too since we desperately needed an upgrade and new plan. Other than that I got money (LOLCASH) so I went shopping with Monica (Uncle's gf, because saying that over and over gets annoying). I bought:
- Doctor Who Magazine #423
- Hellsing Vol 10 (FINALLY)
- Hell's Gate by David Weber & Linda Evans (Big-ass novel about two dimension-hopping civilizations - one based on magic, the other on science - who meet badly, creating all out war)
- NCIS Season 2
So yays, I am happy now. :V