Today In Music...

Some time ago, I posted the news of Michele Luppi leaving Vision Divine. Yet another favorite vocalist bowing out of his band, and I wasn't too happy about it.
The band delayed it's announcement of who the new singer was going to be, to give some time for the ink to dry I guess. I went back today and found they had finally made the announcement... and the new singer is Fabio Lione. Now this is highly interesting, because he was the original singer whome Luppi replaced. I've never heard any of the band's Pre-Luppi material with Lione, so I don't know how he sounds. Guess I'll find out.

And I'm feeling a bit weirded by the fact the both Vision Divine and Threshold (another favorite band who's vocalist Mac departed last year) now have their original singers back in the band. In the case of Threshold, Damian Wilson - who sang on the albums Wounded Land and Extinct Instinct - is currently singing with the band for the remainder of their tour and at other live shows, but whether he will return full-time or they will search for someone new remains to be discussed.

And now for the obligatory music sharing

Since last night, I've been on a Magnitude 9 kick. Here is the song "What My Eyes Have Seen" from the album Reality In Focus. Lyrics are provided below.

I saw the sun today in the usual way
But there's been an unseen change
And we carry on with our lives, like we'll live forever
But the fact remains, we'll continue this way, the only ones to blame
It's time to realize, that we're in this together

Flying high above blue skies, on wings we'll never see
Knowing only for a while, we try to change our minds
Try to face the truth and open up your eyes

It's a sad disgrace, and we're losing this race
Our greed has made us blind
Now we're far beyond our needs
And too late to recover

Flying high above blue skies, on wings we'll never see
Knowing only for a while, we try to change our minds
Try to face the truth and open up your eyes
Staring over endless miles, a memory where we have been
Hoping we'll remember, what our eyes have seen

So the world today, always spinning away
While the simple fact remains
That the balance of mandkind, will be changed forever
How can we, a society, make ammends to save our race
While we rob our future blind, knowing forever
(Can't we remember, we're in this together
There will not be another way)

Flying high above blue skies, on wings we'll never see
Knowing only for a while, we try to change our minds
Try to face the truth and open up your eyes
Staring over endless miles, a memory where we have been
Hoping we'll remember, what our eyes have seen
