
What I did on my exciting and scintilating weekend........... *cough*

Haircut. I always feel better after a trip to the barber; I feel human again, instead of feeling like a mangy Tribble. I prefer my hair pretty short, because it's easier to manage and try to do something with it. When it grows out a bit it just kind of clumps together and I see more scalp, and I don't like to be reminded that I'm probably thinning, albeit slowly.

Went with Mom to the bookstore, for some quality mother-son bonding time. They actually had a Doctor Who book there for the first time in months, so I naturally grabbed it up, along with another collection of H.P. Lovecraft (since the one I already have doesn't have two of his best stories, The Call of Cthulhu and The Shadow Over Insmouth).

I also bought Failure Is Not An Option, the companion books to the History Channel special of the same name, written by former NASA Flight Director Gene Kranz. My Dad and I love stuff about the space program, and so I thought it would make a nice Father's Day gift for him.

I ran into a friend from the manga club I used to attend who works at the store. He told me the club still meets, so once I've worked out some of my issues and can get back out into the world, I'll start attending the club again. Although Mom offered to go with me during the summer, since church choir practice (which meets on the same night) is over for vacation.

I watched the latest Doctor Who last night. It was absolutely BRILLIANT. Best story of the season and of the entire new series, and one that should be placed among the all-time classics of the show. Right now I'm working on the episode summary, then either tonight or tomorrow I'll write up the review portion and get it all posted.

Tomorrow I'll be going back to the dentist fo all that diagnostic stuff, measurements, molds, etc so they can create the appliances I need. I just wonder why it's all going to take two hours? I'll post about that once I'm back.
