Dental Hell

So, the whole process at the dentist today took about 3 & 1/2 hours. Here's what they did:

- Lots of X-rays.

- Muscle tests, where the dentist would press on various areas and ask me if it hurt and how much.

- Photographs from various angles.

- Some kind of jaw/bite analysis. It was like an EKG for my face. What they didn't mention until we were there is that hair messes it up, so I had to shave with nothing but a safety razor and a cup of water. And I cut myself...

- Two sets of molds for top and bottom. By the end of it all, and especially because of the molding, I started to feel really nauseous, plus I was starving by this time.

So now I'm finally back home, having some lunch and beginning to feel a little better. I'll probably take a nap or crawl into bed really early tonight.
