Yeah, here come the Rooster...

Bought The Essential Alice In Chains collection today. I was also born in the year of the rooster.

And now for something completely different...

A random guy comes along the other day, asking if I want to sell my car. I haven't driven it in quite a while, and I'd certainly hate to see it just sit there and rust. It's 20 years old and it has taken quite a bit of maintenance in the last few years to keep running, and it's inevitable that I'd have to move on to something else.

The thing is, I'm not sure if I want to sell it to this guy or not. He said he was a college student strapped for cash and was willing to offer $200-$500 for the car, because he needs something more than his bicycle for transportation. Then when I talked to grandma yesterday, she suddenly says she and dad agreed to just give it to the guy if he'd help dad enclose the carport. A random guy... that we've never met before. I went to dad about it, and he assured me he simply listened while grandma talked and never agreed to such a deal. We also checked online to see what the sale value of the car actually was, and it turned out to be a little over $1000.

So now I just have to figure out if I want to sell it to Mr. Random, or hang on to it and sell it another time for closer to what it's worth.
