Remember that guy who came along and wanted to buy my car? Well, he finally came back this week. He took it for a test drive with my dad (wow, after sitting there for untold months, it can still move), and dad sold it to him. For $150. Yeah... I wasn't too happy to be getting around a tenth of what it might actually be worth, but my greed was overridden by grandma's compassion, wanting to help this guy with decent transportation. Because he's a student, and we need to support peoples' education.
Although, the guy apparently called and said the car broke down on him at one point, but dad isn't convinced. Because if it did, and the repair bill is more than $150, he won't even have to pay us. So we're waiting to see if he's trying to cheat us.
Went over to the county service complex to get the car title, so we can transfer it. And had fun trying to ignore a girl who seemed to be very self-absorbed. She was very vocal about having to wait to be seen, openly swore several times (even with kids around). Dude, I'm impatient sometimes, but even I don't make myself look like an ass by flapping my lips and swearing in public.
On the bright side, with the car sold, I don't have to spend the money to renew the license plate or make car insurance payments anymore. Until I get a new car of course.