So, Christmas is over and gone. Let's see what happened...
- My sister and brother-in-law visited, which is always cool. I got a few movies off Jason, and they gave me a 5-DVD player they didn't want anymore. Not sure if I'll use it, but hey, don't knock free stuff.
- Got a lite haul in terms of presents, some astronaut slipper-sock things, a belt-clip watch, and a couple of gift cards for Best Buy totaling $70-75.
- We had an excellent Christmas dinner last night, followed by an ice cream cookie cake to celebrate my sister's birthday a little early.
- The Doctor Who Christmas Special was EPIC AND BALLER. Christmasy, funny, sad, heartwarming... everything you want really. An excellent adaptation of Dicken's A Christmas Carol in the Doctor Who format.
- In not-so-cool news, my 2TB hard drive took a tumble and the case cracked and got a bit mangled. It still runs fine, thank goodness. Buuuuuut, I've been thinking I need to upgrade anyway. I've nearly filled it with anime, and I'm running low on room. Either that or I need to pick up the pace on what I'm watching to get rid of shows I wouldn't watch more than once.
I hope everyone else had a Merry Christmas. 8D