The Mineutia of a Day

A post of all the little things.

  • Mom is pretty bad at leaving things out where they shouldn't be: she leaves empty soda cans on the counter that is notorious for ant problems, and she fails to put things back in the frigde, like cat food... or the mayo jar. -_-;;
  • Ordered two pizzas and cheesesticks for lunch today. We got the pizzas, but by the time we noticed there were no cheesesticks, the delivery guy had left. And we paid the full price for all of it, including what we should have got but didn't.
  • So, the cat's right eye, that had been bothering him and had gotten all puffy and swollen is better. But now his left eye seems to be doing the same thing. He's holding it closed a lot more often, or just squinting it a little. And we're out of the medicated eyedrops we used to help his other eye. Guess I'll have to call the vet to see if we can get more drops, but if we have to pay up front, we won't be able to get them until dad gets back at the end of the week.
  • As soon as I'm done with this book review (just have to conclude it) and the next episode review, I'll work on Beck's next writing prompt.