A longer Than Average Day...

Today, my Aunt Susie from Texas flew in. She always come to stay for about three weeks every summer.

What we didn't realize was that I also has to go back to the dentist today. We knew we had scheduled another appointment for around this time, but we didn't know when. We were supposed to be there at noon, but dad was off at the airport, so we changed it for 2:30. This was just another consultation to talk about the results of that 3 & 1/2 hour nightmare last time, and what we would do for appliances to correct my bite and prevent more grinding.

On our way home, dad and I decided to stop at Quiznos for lunch. When we got there, we were surprised to see it was no longer a Quiznos, and actually hadn't been for two months! How did we miss that?? Instead it's now a place called Doolittle & Loafmore, selling sandwiches, wraps, salads, and gyros. Since I'd never actually had a gyro before, I decided to try one, but with chicken rather than the beef/lamb combo. It was pretty good, although the tangy yogurt-cucumber sauce took a little getting used to.

I spent the rest of the day over at grandma's house. Dad came over in the evening and we all had dinner: fresh fish he'd caught on a visit to see some people on Monday, and some corn on the cob and salad. The dinner was very good; we don't really do a lot of cooking around here, so whenever it happens its special. Mom didn't join us because she hates seafood.

After grandma went to bed I hung around awhile longer with my aunt, watching The Women, a 1939 movie with Joan Crawford, about a socialite discovering her husband's affair. I'll tell you this now: I really despise people who gossip. The movie finally wore thin on me, so now I'm back here.

Dad has sworn me to secrecy: this weekend a bunch more relatives will show up - My aunt Jeri and her husband Butch, cousin Eric and his wife and daughter, and cousin Amy and one of her sons. They'll stay for about a week, renting a beach house while they're here.

Its grandma's 90th Birthday this month, so we should expect more than the usual roundup of relatives coming for a visit.
