Doctor Who Season Finale - Final Thoughts Post-Episode

So, I got it and I watched it. I'll work on the reviews of the final three episode this week, but for now here are my brief thoughts, without any spoilers to give the game away:

  • Major epic and definitely NOT full of fail. I was much more pleased about this than the end of Season 3.
  • We get to keep our Doctor, and yet the Doctor/Rose shippers can continue to have their little fun.
  • I'm not sure how I feel about the way Donna left. I feel a bit cheated actually. More on this in the formal review.
  • I hope when Steven Moffat takes over running the show, he stays away from the Daleks for awhile. We could really use a break from them.

As for the rest of my day, I actually got out of the house for a couple of hours.

I went out with my aunt and mom. We hit the bookstore first, because aunt wanted to find the latest in a couple of series she loves to read, and I just love going to the book store. I wasn't expecting to find anything new there, thought maybe I could catch up on some manga at least. I was bowled over when I saw a bunch of new Doctor Who and Torchwood books! I couldn't buy everything, unfortunately, so I snagged three Who books; I'll go back for the Torchwood later. So you can expect more book reviews in the near future as well.

After that we ran some errands, mainly so aunt could gather supplies for the project she's working on for grandma's birthday. Besides relatives coming to visit whenever they can, aunt wants to organize a party for grandma at church. We'll see who shows up, though; many people at church go north for the summer.
