Dental Appliances

So, had to get up at 9 AM today (ugh...) to go back to the dentist. They had my appliances ready and we did a bunch of tests to make sure they fit and worked properly. I have one that I'm supposed to wear on the bottom during the day (this one will realign my jaw), and one for the top that I wear at night (this one prevents grinding and opens the airway a bit more).

It's not going to be pleasant at first, especially with the bottom one. I'm supposed to wear it at all times, even when I eat, although I've cheated a bit and am eating lunch without it in right now, but only for this time. My jaw is already sore after wearing it for less than an hour. It reminds me of when I had braces. It'll take time to get used to.

In other news, the extra mass of relatives is here and has been dropping by for an hour or two every day. That's about all I can stand of three little kids anyway. The noise they make gets on my nerves quickly. I've resolved to marry a girl who doesn't want kids, because I am not the father type. =P

My uncle and his girlfriend are also supposed to arrive late tonight, but we'll believe it when we see it.

Some thunder just started rumbling in the distance. Looks like we'll get our daily quota of rain again.
