Yesterday I had to go on one of my long trips to the hospital for regular cardiac and pulmonary checkups. But this turned out to be one of our longest days ever, mainly due to a lot of extra waiting. We spent three hours in cardiac (when we usually spend an hour to two, depending on what all they want done).
So when we went over to pulmonary, we were closer to our appointment time, but wound up waiting nearly two hours (out in the waiting room and then in one of the examination rooms) before the doctor finally showed up, although one reason for this is they'd been extremely busy shifting the doctor's patients to new doctors, because she's retiring.
It was closing in on 5 PM by the time we got out of there, but we still had to get lab work done, and then go over to X-Ray. So, with the three hour drive back home, it was nearly 9 PM when we finally got home. @3@
And I missed my kitty all day. -3- But at least I had some pictures on my phone, which I also showed off to people. >83