Week In Review

Quick little post before bedtime.

First off, everyone needs to check out Katana's awesome new card for Project o_O. And I am proud to make yet another convert to Doctor Who. XD

It was nice seeing so many relatives at one time, although those kids were really loud and hyper when they were all together. Little Fiona was sweet, but the two boys, Owen and Toby... Oi. There has to be some scientific phenomenon where kids gathered in a group generate some sort of hyper field, making them louder and more energetic than just on their own.

Slowly getting used to wearing those dental appliances. I don't care what they say about leaving them in when eating, I'm not going to do it and I'll tell them so. That bottom one changes the architecture of my mouth so much that it's really hard to swallow. They said "Cut up your food into little bites" but... No, just no. It's easier to take it out, eat, brush my teeth again and then pop it back in. We'll see who wins this fight. Besdies, it is impossible to cut all food items into small bites, like say SANDWICHES! *stupid...*

Spent some time this evening at a surprise birthday party for a friend. Heh, we couldn't decide on how exactly to surprise him before he came home, but he was surprised to see certain people there, so I suppose it was mission accomplished. He's just turned 22, and I am impressed with thre maturity he's been showing more in the last year. It was about time, considering he's an adult.

Since the season finale of Doctor Who is close to airing on SciFi Channel, I went to check their schedule to see how they'll play it out. Part 1 will be on July 25, and Part 2 on August 1. With the first two seasons, they played the finale episodes together in one night, but since Season 3 they've been separating them. However, since this season's finale Part 2 was 65 minutes, an extra 20 from the usual, I was concerned with how SciFi would show it. Thankfully they'll be giving it a full 90 minute (w/ commercials) run, so they'll be less likely to chop out anything for time.

I'm currently working on the final review of the season. I hope to have that up by weekend's end.
