Long Day

I'll just bullet the events, because I'm to whacked in the head to do complete sentences.

  • Got up at 8 AM.
  • Took 3 hour drive up to the hospital clinic.
  • Spent a couple of hours there for electrophysiology/pacemaker check.
  • Got some hair ripped off my chest thanks to the lead patches used in pacemaker check.
  • Caught up with the doctor who used to follow my case before I moved on to the current one.
  • Some Florida Gators football players were going around the clinic, passing out free autographed posters to the patients. I don't really care for football, but I took the poster anyway.
  • Left at 2 PM on 3 hour drive home.

Don't worry, this was just a routine visit. I go up to the hospital for checks a couple times every year.

I had this horrible realization a short time ago. Those football players were such big, intimidating guys, but they play for a COLLEGE team...

I'm older than them by a few years, most likely. It's a time like this that I don't really like my size. I'm pretty insubstantial for a guy in his late 20s.

I now return you to your evening as I go back to flitting about the internets.
