TheO Chat

I think the first night of chat was pretty successful. It's definitely a feature that I'll enjoy using again and again.

There are just a couple of issues I have with it, one design and one technical:

  • It doesn't really make sense to me to have a chat room vanish from the list if no one's in it. A simple "(0)" indication of occupancy would be sufficient and less confusing, in my opinion.
  • There were random times that my text would not submit. I would hit Enter and the cursor would just go down to another line. I had to leave a room and come back in to fix it.

Moving on...

Tomorrow is grandma's birthday party at the church. I'm wondering who all will show up; summer is the time when many people go back up north to escape the blistering heat of a Florida summer.

Moving on...

For those continuing to watch Doctor Who on SciFi Channel, be sure not to miss tonight. This episode is an important lead into the season finale.

Moving on...

Just got some CDs in the mail, more to add to my collection of female-vocal bands. I've recently discovered Edenbridge, an austrian band described as "angelic bombastic metal". It would definitely appeal to the Nightwish and Within Temptation fans, so check it out! Here is "Terra Nova" from their 2006 album, The Grand Design.
