Grandma's Birthday Party

We held the party for Grandma's 90th birthday this afternoon at the church. It wasn't a packed house, but enough people made it there, so it was all good. My uncle and his girlfriend showed up as promised, which was a very pleasant surprise; they seldom ever come when they say they will, so I'm glad they made it this time.

There was a little unwanted excitement when we got back home: I went to the church with mom and grandma, so I came back with them as well. Grandma must have gotten out of the van too fast, or tried to hang on to one of the gates and it moved sudenly. Anyway, she wound up on the ground. She's a big lady, and I'm not strong enough to pick her up on her own, and mom can't do lifting after her hernia operation, so I had to go get one of the neighbors to help. He's a big guy, so with one of us on either side of grandma, we got her standing easily.

Some friends of the family that we haven't seen in a long time dropped by to say Hi and chat awhile, so that helped to rebalance the day.

Pardon if this doesn't sound exciting, I'm tired now, so I think I'll go to bed.
