My Birthday

Thank you to EVERYONE who wished me a Happy Birthday or sent a card or made a card or a wallpaper or anything.

I took the day easy; no big loud parties or anything, of course. Mom and I went down to the bookstore and I purchased second and third Trinity Blood novels. I forgot about my 15%-off coupon so the cashier had to call someone to clear the total from the register in order to retotal everything, and she still forgot to add in the price of my membership renewal, since my current membership expires at the end of the month. I'll just have to be sure to have enough cash with me next time I'm there because I won't be able to use my card anyway until I renew.

While we were in the store the deluge hit; lots and lots of rain. As the British say, it was chucking it down, and the end wasn't in sight, so we got a little wet as we dahsed to the car. Stopped by Maryland Fried Chicken for my birthday lunch; their chicken is horrible, but they have some excellent fried codfish, which is what I was after. Took that home and had lunch while watching a favorite Doctor Who video.

Dad asked what kind of cake I wanted, so naturally I said "cheesecake". He went to the store and got a cheesecake with a thin layer of key lime pie topping, and we took that across the street to share with grandma. I played one round of Skip-Bo with grandma, and she beat me... I'll get my revenge tomorrow.

So now I'm back here, deciding whether to watch Diners Drive-Ins & Dives or No Reservations at 10, and which of those to save until a late-night repeat, because I am psyched up to catch the start of Gurren Lagann on SciFi at 11.

Oh, and I got $60. I was thinking of using it to buy the Beck box set, but I think it would be more responsible of me to use it to help pay for new shoes, since I desperately need some. I was thinking of trying to find a pair of converse similar to the Doctor's
