Rain, rain... GO AWAY!!!

We were expecting the weather to start improving today, but that stupid tropical storm has been either moving at a crawl or not moving at all. As a consequence, we've been under a constant heavy rain for many, many hours. There's now major flooding going on throughout our county, and schools will probably be closed for the rest of the week. We should be OK, because we're on the relative high ground of an ancient sand dune. This thing just needs to start moving again and get the hell out of here.

The big issue is that thanks to the wind-driven rain hitting my side of the house, water has seeped into the wall and is coming into my room... in the corner that the computer sits in. We've got the power strip up on a box and we're constantly putting down towels to soak up the water, then cleaning them and putting down new towels. This will probably go on for another day at least.

I hope this thing either falls apart or moves off and becomes someone else's problem. I'm more than fed up now.

Anyway, ranting and whining aside, Kat and I have started discussing what the MST episode should be for the next Movie Sign. We're going to alternate between Joel and Mike episodes as much as possible, so the next one will be a Joel.

I ordered some CDs yesterday, because the mail was still being delivered despite the storm. Now I really do hope it gets moving, because with all the flooding around here, my order probably won't get here on time.
