A bunch of little random things...

As usual, nothing major happening lately, so I'm just filling in the time by posting about all the little things.

  • Went down to the nearby county office to get my mucked up voter registration sorted out. Their records showed I had moved to Broward county... Very odd. Their best guess is that the computer somehow mixed me up with someone else of the same name who had moved. Anyway, we got the registration form turned in and my new voter card should arrive in the mail in a couple of weeks. As long as I'm able to vote in November, I'm happy.
  • CD ordered last week finally arrived. Everyone should own a copy of Everon's "North", it's one of the best things I've heard in a long time. Easily my top pick for rock album of the year.
  • Looks like Hurricane Hannah will miss us, thankfully, but now we have to keep an eye on Ike. It could either stay south of us and head into the Gulf of Mexico, turn north and recurve into the Atlantic (either possibility is preferable, although recurving means it won't hit anybody), or it could head up into South Florida, so we could get some more potentially mushy weather sometime next week. We'll just have to wait and see.
  • I usually like to watch TV in bed, helps get me sleepy. Sadly, Channel 16 has stopped it's late night MASH episodes and replaced them with dumb old Paid Programming. So I'll have to do something else now, because MASH was the only guaranteed good thing on late most nights. I could always use the time to tuck into more of my anime collection, which still needs doing. Might stick with things Ive already seen though and save the things I have yet to watch first time for daytime when I won't be nodding off and possibly not paying attention.

Oh yeah, my life's a real exciting time. >>; I hope one day to record the happenings of an actual, REAL life for you all.
