Randomly Updated Updates of Randomness

It's been almost a week since my last update. Nothing major has happened, so here's a few small things.

  • Got some NEW MUSIC on the Uploads world. This time it's just a small selection from some of the CDs I've bought this year. Go check it out.
  • After having a pool for nearly 20 years, grandma has finally decided to get it screened in. Mainly she's tired of always scooping out grass and leave and bugs. The work is coming along slowly; Hurricane Fay messed up everyone's itinerary. As of a couple of days ago, they have all the cement poured. I'll snap you a picture tomorrow, and then one when it's all done.
  • Remember the guy two houses down from us who put up a big Confederate flag in his front yard? Well, mom told me he was involved in a motorcycle accident, and I guess he wasn't wearing a helmet, because now he has permanent brain damage and the mental capacity of a child. That explains why he moves a lot slower now and goes around the houses at our corner, picking the newspapers up from the driveways and putting them on the porches, trying to be helpful. It is a bit disconcerting though when you see him creeping around.
  • When mom got home today, she discovered that one of her fellow teachers had, sometime in the recent past, left part of a sandwich in our van. This, unfortunately, gave birth to a bunch of maggots, which dad had to clean out. Good thing I didn't feel adventurous enough to take a look.
  • I've had to reinstall a few more programs that were wiped from that PC recovery. Apparently Word was one of them, because I can't open any documents that were made using it. I need to get the CD from my dad and reinstall it.