New Speakers

I've been dying to get new speakers for my computer for over a year. A fault developed in the right speaker, which meant I had to do a lot of fine tuning to get both working correctly.

Last week while we were at Best Buy, dad and I were looking at speakers and he decided to buy a new set, and we finally installed them tonight. The sound quality is much better, and these are actually smaller, so they take up less room. There is a separate power/volume control that also operates as an mp3 player dock, and a subwoofer. Take a look:

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On another note, the Sanctuary premiere was excellent. Rather than simply cobbling together the first few webisodes, they rewrote the story and reshot it for TV, so it turned out much better than I expected. I'm definitely going to keep up with this show. I've been in need of something new in the scifi/drama area to watch.
