Flies, Rain, and Celebration

So yeah, I had to kill more flies today. I think there were still some maggots in that sandwich mom discovered in her car, and they matured in the trash. (ew)

Funny thing about going after flies with an electric swatter: if you have the swatter powered up and you swing it down and actually hit the flies with it... they explode! O_O There's a big spark and a loud pop.

After a week or two of mostly sunny weather, we had rain yesterday, big time. We hardly ever see days anymore where it's dark and gloomy all day long and the rain comes often, and heavily. It rained again just a few minutes ago, so I expect we'll have more of the same today.

After saying I would go back on OB for over a year, I finally did tonight. ^^ Took the time to update my avatar and signature (after a little consternation in figuring out how to change the sig in the first place), then got to work on what ended up being a longer post than I expected. But it felt good. ^^

When I mentioned this in Chat, Shin decided to celebrate.

Blah... I really want to go to the bookstore. I'm in dire need of purchasing a few certain books. I probably won't buy them all, depending on what they have in the store. It would be rather expensive to get them all, anyway. ^^;
