OB Livin'

As Beth has said in chat, I've been practically living on OtakuBoards the last couple of days.

I'm rather heavily entrenched in a trio of debate threads, one about Sexuality, one about Evolution vs. Intelligent Design, and one about Conflict in the Middle East. I take a rationalist approach every time I respond to people, but I'm learning most of those people don't want to bother with rationality and reason. >>;

Honestly, just because radical Islam wants to kill us all, DOESN'T mean our response should be just as indiscriminately vicious. It won't solve anything, and it makes us no better than they are. We should not treat this as a holy war from our side too. Oh, and apparently since I am open minded and don't believe in a Biblical "end of the world, yay God is coming" scenario, I am a greedy, lustful, evil person that doesn't care about who I step on to get what I want. Sigh...

Besides all that, I have another frustration on my plate. I just got a jury duty summons in the mail again. I did jury duty for the first time last January, I had not expected this to happen again so soon. I'm going to call and say I cannot go for medical reasons. I'm still paralyzed by my panic attacks, I just can't function out in the world right now.

I feel like my life has been robbed from me >>;

So yeah, there's all my cheerful news for now. XD
