Please extend a warm welcome...

I was very pleased to learn that my friend divisionten has joined theOtaku tonight. We know each other from Anime Pulse. So please, go and greet her and make her feel welcome here at theO.


I don't think I posted at all on OB today, which is a first after a week of rampant posting. Don't worry, I'll still get on there whenever I can, but I'm trying to find more to say that just my thoughts on the debate issues.

I listened to the audio book version of "Letter to a Christian Nation" by Sam Harris tonight. He wrote it as a response to the criticism he received for his previous book, and he frames it as a letter to an imagined religious person who represents those critics. I wish everyone could read it, but I know it might offend some, though I still say it is a very important book that should be read by all, regardless of your religious convictions or lack thereof.

I woke up at 2:30 this afternoon. That isn't good... I need to get to bed earlier. I'm not getting enough regular sleep, and sleeping away the hours of the day in which I could be doing other things.

It's 3:44 now. I better go...
