"Letter to a Christian Nation" by Sam Harris

Since I mentioned it last time, I wanted to make a small post dedicated to this book. I think it's something everyone should read, whether you are religious or not. Sam Harris eloquently makes a case for reason, and dissects the affect religious dogma still has on the world even in the 21st century. This book is bound to offend some people, but it asks questions that should be asked and not avoided for the sake of political correctness. And to help make his case and prove he isn't some crank broadly attacking Christianity, he includes passages from the Bible.

In order to make it easier for anyone who wants to give it a try, Here is a LINK to the torrent of the audio version (read by Jordan Bridges). This is a very short book, more like a lengthy essay, and the whole thing is in one mp3 file and clocks in at 115 minutes.

Here are a couple of excerpts from the audio:

So check it out if you want.
