General random blah

It's hard to post about life when NOTHING HAPPENS!

After being delayed for several weeks by the parentals traveling out of town every weekend, I finally managed to get to the bookstore last Friday. (I look forward to the day when I'm not mental anymore and can drive myself wherever I want, whenever I want). I managed to find all of the books that I was really intent on:

  • The Limits of Power by Andrew J Bacevich (I've wanted this book since seeing the author interviewed on Bill Moyers Journal, he really understands the situation facing America better than anyone)
  • The End of Faith & Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris
  • God: The Failed Hypothesis by Victor Stenger

A few things also arrived in the mail from the end of last week to the start of this week:

  • DVD: The Four Horsemen: Discussions with Richard Dawkins, Episode 1 (a candid, roundtable discussion between Dawkins and his three main colleagues, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, and Christopher Hitchens)
  • CD: Cosmosquad - Acid Test (some nice jazz fusion, leaning on the hard rock/metal side)
  • CD: Tomorrow's Eve - Tales From Serpentia (prog metal concept album)

I also filled out my absentee ballot and sent it in. DO YOUR PART, GET OUT AND VOTE THIS YEAR!

About the only interesting thing that's happened around here lately is the construction of the screen around grandma's back porch and pool.
