Time for a Geek-Out

But first, some newsy-type updates:

  • I finally received a confirmation letter in the mail stating that my request for postponement of jury duty was approved. Now I must waste no more time in getting that medical excuse so I can avoid going entirely. 8D
  • Apparently, we needed to get some proof that I'm still on disability to send to dad's school insurance, otherwise they would drop me from it. We have to do this every year. I just wish dad had remembered to tell me sooner than last Friday. >> He took time off from school this morning and we went down to the Social Security office to get a letter for the insurance people.
  • I downloaded and watched the quickie preview of the upcoming Doctor Who Christmas Special, The Next Doctor. I am reasonably confident that David Morrisey's "Doctor" is just going to be some impostor and not the genuine replacement of David Tennant, especially because the guy sounds like an over-inflated ego on legs even from just 20 seconds of dialogue. >>;
  • Got the new Starbreaker album in the mail on Friday, and I've been addicted to it since then. It's just awesome; more focused and tight in the songwriting than their debut, and once again the combo of Tony Harnell (vox) and Magnus Karrlson (guitar) is absolutely smoking.

OK, now iz teim for teh geek-out!

If you weren't aware, they've been filming a new Star Trek movie, this one being about the early days of Kirk, Spock, and company and how they all met (when Kirk is a cadet and Pike is still captain of the Enterprise). Having not been a serious Trekkie for several years, I had not really cared about this until I saw one of the bootlegged trailers (shot by someone in the theater) online. Now, my interest is truly piqued. I just wish they hadn't moved the opening from December to May 2009.
