Stuff and... things

Random update...

Just like last winter, we now have a leaky pipe situation, so whenever we weren't actively using our water, we had to turn it off. Unfortunately on Saturday, the water DIDN'T get turned off, and when I came back from grandma's house and stepped into the kitchen and splashed into a major puddle, I discovered that half the kitchen was flooded. The water had also gotten into the laundry room and part of mom's room. Now our water is off permanently until we can get the plumbers in to find the problem. We'll have to do our showering at grandma's for now.

Had a dental appointment today. They took a bunch of knew readings and things to compare pre and post treatment, and we'll be going back next week for the consultation to hear the results. Of course, they forgot to mention that I needed to be clean shaven, otherwise one of their tests wouldn't work, so I had to use a crappy disposable razor and plain hand soap to shave with. I actually managed it OK but did cut myself a little, not really used to using a plain razor to shave with. This is the cleanest I've been shaved in... um, a really long time. =P All that's left is a very light goatee-and-mustache. I think I may keep it like this. Maybe...

Watched the premiere of Gundam 00 tonight on SciFi. It was pretty decent, I have to say. The animation is good, I like the Gundam designs, the voice acting was nice. I was a little confused about the politics at first; it gave me flashbacks to Gundam Wing. But on the whole I feel it's a keeper, so I'll continue to watch it.

Got a new CD in the mail over the weekend. This time it was Experiments in Mass Appeal by Frost*. Frost* was put together by British music producer Jem Godfrey to scratch his prog itch. Their debut, Milliontown, was an excellent mix of neoprogressive and pop. Everyone was shocked when Jem retired the band right away (due to other commitments), but the fan outcry must have worked, because he brought them back together, and we have another killer CD as a result.

So, here for your listening pleasure is "Dear Dead Days". Enjoy!
