Of Missed Appointments, Plumbers, Anime & Manga

  • I missed the latest chiropractor appointment on Tuesday, because dad forgot (FAIL). Ugh... I wish I could do things on my own again and not be crippled by these irrational anxieties. Anyway, we rescheduled it so I'll just be included with dad's own appointment next Tuesday.
  • The plumber came by today to check on the leaky pipe situation. If we had it repaired only (and this would be our third plumbing repair) it would be $1500, so we're going ahead and just having the whole house re-plumbed ($3200) next week. This is a fairly old house, and we knew it would come to this eventually.
  • My uncle and his gf are expected to come for Thanksgiving, but as usual we take this news with a grain of skepticism. Let's hope they actually make it, though.
  • I recently checked the Upcoming Releases list over at AnimeonDVD, and was rather surprised to see quite a few shows being re-released between now and early next year, including Bubblegum Crisis 2040, Berserk, and Tsukihime. I'm hoping ADV will do a re-release for a few more of their now-out-of-print titles that I'd like to have.
  • I've been putting it off, but I ordered some manga tonight: Berserk vol. 2 & 3, MPD Psycho vol. 6, and Ghost Talker's Daydream vol. 2. I've been meaning to catch up on Berserk for over a year, since I only have vol. 1 & 16.

So yeah, there's the update from the drudgery that is my life. =P I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving with lots of food and family and fun. ^^
