Post-Thanksgiving Post

Yesterday turned out to be rather nice. A bit warmer than it's been lately, absolutely clear blue skies... These are the days I enjoy living in Florida.

Uncle and his girlfriend actually showed up, but as usual they could only stay for a few hours before they had to leave due to work. But at least they made it, which I'm always glad for whenever it happens.

Thanksgiving dinner was pretty lite this year: ham, fruit salad, green bean cassarole (EVIL!), rolls, and sweet potatoes. No mashed spuds, no stuffing, no gravy... T_T But what we had was good, so I guess I can't complain too much.

I'm trying to decide, at this very moment, if I should order the 6th DVD in the Devil Lady anime from Right Stuf. It's marked down to $3 now due to holiday bargain-bin discounts. I have the entire series (previously bought from an ADV sale), but I have never been able to figure out if this pause in the film for a couple of seconds in the last episode is part of the actual animation or an artifact on the disc itself. I figure if I do order it an it turns out to be a simple animation issue, then being out $3 (plus shipping) isn't that bad. Any suggestions?
