He's in my dreams now...

I had a dream the other night.

It was one of my usual weird dreams, a jumbled mess of random images barely strung together into a coherent plot, but the one thing I remember most was right at the end...

Matt Smith, playing the new Doctor, popped up. And my imagination put him in the CRAPPIEST costume it could think of. XD

He was wearing a white shirt, pants and shoes, a tie, a vest, a light brown cardigan sweater, glasses, and one of those flat-topped straw hats you often see people wearing in pictures and film footage from the early 1900s... a Boater, it's called.

External Image

I just hope this isn't what they put him in for real. Dammit, I hope they release more press photos of him soon in his actual outfit for the series...

Oh, and I can't help thinking this image of Allelujah (cropped from a wallpaper I recently saved) looks quite a bit like Matt Smith.

I've got Matt Smith on the brain. o_O AAAAAAAAAHHH!
