*poof* "I'm back!"

Some people will get the joke of the thread title and ROFL. =P

I haven't really been on theO much in the last week, and somehow it feels like a long time since I'm usually on here several times a day without fail. I figured it would be a good idea to get off my duff and see what's been going on, and catch up on some much needed commenting.

As usual, nothing post-worthy has happened around here, so I don't have much else to say, except DAMN YOU GOME, NOW I HAVE TO MAKE IRL HAREMS TO KEEP UP! *shot* But at least it's something to do, so expect a couple new harems over the weekend. ^^"

I've been digging into my Rush collection recently, listening to all the albums. So, here's a bit of the Real Holy Trinity for your enjoyment. ^^
