My Week in Mail

This was probably the single busiest week for mail I've ever had that I can remember. I was expecting a couple of my own orders, as well as packages from friends. Here's a breakdown of what all turned up...


  • I was finally able to complete the full catalog of Everon CDs with their first two releases, Flood and Paradoxes.
  • Originally only available direct from the band at higher price, an affordable copy of the new album from Pendragon, Pure, was released. This is by far the best album they have ever produced. They're still neo-prog, but they've shed the light, soft side of their sound and added a more hard-rock/metal edge. Things kick off with the stellar 14 minute opening song, "Indigo". This is seriously "Album of the Year" material. I better move on before I rant about this all day.


  • A book on the Baha'i faith and a pen from Raina, procured suring her recent trip to a Baha'i conference.
  • Coconut flavored toffee candies and a string of beads (prayer beads?) from divisionten that she picked up during her Vietnam adventure.

So that's it for the mail, and for interesting things happening. As usual it's quiet around here, though thankfully warmer. Let's hope this trend sticks around.

My Gundam 00 Season 2 torrents are almost done. I started with gSS subs, but they changed format partway through, and being the consistency whore that I am, I gave up on them and instead switched to downloading the Shinsen-Subs. I intend to combat my usual lazy attitude this week and start watching some anime so I can do my own My Week in Anime posts. =P

I'm planning on a trip to the bookstore tomorrow. I'd wait until the next chiropractor appointment, but my latest 15%-off-one-item coupon expires tomorrow, so I'd rather not let it go to waste. As usual, I will post about what all I purchase. ^^
