Computer Blah...

Ok, so the rinky dink snti-virus/system sheck stuff didn't show anything wrong, so I wanted to load an antivirus program I've had lying around for some time (not sure why I never loaded it on here before).

But of course, the computer didn 't want to acknowledge the CD in the drive.

Then I decided to run some updates, see if that wouldf help...

Well, just like the last time I ran updates, the computer got trapped in a constant restart loop. I could get back on using Safe Mode, but then I couldn't change any of the settings back to what they had been, and the internet connection wouldn't work.

So now I've had to do that complete PC Recovery again, you remember, the one I did last year that erased all my saved website links and a few of my programs?

Well, I'm running that right now. I hope things start working again, and I'll see if I can finally load that antivirus software.

I made a shortcut to Firefox and saved it on my external drive. I'm hoping that will keep me from losing all my old links.

Sigh... >>;
