Going slowly mad...

Well, I found out what make my computer get stuck in and endless restart loop that requires system recovery. It's Windows Service Pack 3.

I took my problems to the Tech Questions section of Anime Pulse forums, because I know there are some good tech-heads there. Someone suggested I download the service pack. Well, I can't download anything Windows related on here right now, so I did it on one of the other computers in the house, moved it on here, and installed it... And low and behold, my computer is caught in and endless restart loop. So I had to go through PC system recover for the second time in less than 2 weeks.

Unfortunately, it hasn't solved my problem. I'm still unable to download/install Windows Live Messenger, Windows Installer, or any such programs. I've run virus check and anti-spyware/worm programs. They've found and removed things they deemed dangerous, but in the end the problem persists. I have no idea WHAt exactly is going on anymore.

It's very possible that I'll have to completely reinstall the OS. It's a good thing I have all my important stuff on an external drive.
