Yesterday was loooong

I had a check-up at the cardiac clinic yesterday, which meant a 3 hour drive up there, although I usually sleep through most of the drive up anyway (I am not a morning person).

When we got there, there was an interpretive dance group (probably from the university) performing in the waiting room for patients. It was kind of amusing, but I just read my book. =P Dance ain't my thing...

The visit was alright - they were pleased with the performance of my pacemaker and there are np plans to change any of its settings - but the drive back was a big pain. We took my car this time, and every year the AC decides to be difficult during warm weather. So our AC wasn't functioning, and we got stuck in heavy traffic for a while due to some kind of accident (looked like it could have been a spill of something). By the time we got home my butt was sore.

So, all in all it was a typical trip, but it's never fun to have to go through with them.

I'm going to recover my sanity today with lots of anime. 8D
