New Music: La-Ventura

Quite a few who know me are already aware that I tend to purchase many, perhaps too many, CDs every month. Such is the fate of a music addict, I suppose.

Part of the reason for this is I'm always keeping an eye on the front page of The Laser's Edge. If there's an album I'm expecting, it'll show up there first, but I also just click on anything that looks interesting. This inevitably leads me to buy quite a few random CDs, but it's worth it to find new and unexpected things.

Among my latest purchases is the first album by a band from the Netherlands, La-Ventura. They're labelled as "gothic metal", but to me they sound a bit more like an alt-metal band with female vocals. I guess for a point of comparison they fall more to the Within Temptation/Evanessence side rather than Nightwish.

Luckily, I discovered someone had loaded most of the CD on You Tube, so here is the song "Messed Up".

So if you liked that and want to hear more, just trot on off to You Tube and type in La-Ventura. You'll find 8 more songs
