Blood Test Results

So, we finally got to see the doctor today for those blood test results. Everything's alright, there was nothing that cropped up, the HIV test was non-reactive, etc. My doctor is still perplexed that someone with an intact immune system could have caught that bacteria, but he says it's not totally out of the realm of possibility. I was just unlucky enough to be one of the rare exceptions. Whoopy *brick'd*

After that, dad and I ran around for a while:
- Picked up medicine for the cat.
- Stopped by the library so that dad could check out some random science tapes for his class.
- The bank.
- Best Buy, where I picked up three classic Doctor Who stories on DVD.
- JC Penny, so I could find some more socks and underwear. Tried on a few pairs of pants as well, but as usual nothing fit.
- Quiznos for a late lunch.

So, it was a pretty active day for me. A nice break from the usual tedium
