since last year I've been listening to M83's 'Hurry up we're dreaming' and a whole bunch of ideas have been flowing my creative side. i can't really explain much more than that I've been working on a story that came to mind some time last year and i'd like to show you but i can't because it's not ready yet and i've been working with geekiechick on it (Thank you very much geekiechick you're help is appreciated so much to the point i cant describe it). all i can say is that this is something that i'm getting into and im going to stick with and believe me it's very hard for me to want to stick with anything VERY HARD! but all in all im loving it alot and if it wasn't for geekiechick (and her awsomeness) and M83 i wouldn't have gotten as far as i am today with the story. again thank you very much for the inspiration!
and since today i have some time to myself i introduce to you a new post about what is going on today! until my next post i'll see you later!
M83....i waz bored