Fang & Lily's Love and Life

I got some ideas from the series of books called "Dark Hunters" by Sherrlyn Kenyon

Now on to the story

"W....wait aren't you going to kill me." "I already have" said Fang walking away from his most recent target as it turned to ash. God i hate when my targets are so slow they don't even realize when they're already dead, Fang thought to himaelf. "Hmmm....I can't shake the feeling that I'm being watched well just shows, you can get pretty paranoid when you've been an assasin for so long." Seesh Fang you have got to stop talking to yourself he thought again. *Sniff, Sniff.* "Is that you Caster, who do you want me to go kill now another rogue or perhaps something else" i hate the Elder Fang thought with humor as he walked up to his boss/old friend Caster.

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