Happy Birthday


I checked the ticked Akio had given me,from my parents,'Happy-birthday-son!' Was written in the back, 'were sorry we are not there to celebrate your 15 birthday but-' I put the ticket back in my pocket,"its the same thing each year" I muttered taking another pocky stick,akio the butler couldn't come because he was preparing Dinner for tonight,and was waiting the arrival of my grandmother Zakuro,I sighted as I looked at the entrance of the exhibit, "Ticket please?"The guard asked his hand extended "here" I said giving him the ticket "enjoy your day" he said
"Thanks" i replied back going through a arch hearing some weird wiring sound 'this place is about as old as my grandmother' I though ignoring it, I looked at the place,it might be old but the inside looked almost new I looked around for a while, "Fruit bats?" I muttered looking at a lonely bat,I walked away heading to a empty bench that was nearby, "what a birthday" I though taking another pocky stick.

