Satsuki Blood part 2

I saw something glimering in the grass and instinctidly picked it up.It was a black pendant coin thing. The snake swung at me again and before I could even think words started forming from my mouth."Mew Mew Blood Metamorpho-sis!" I yelled as i danced to unheard music.My clothes changed to a tight fitting dress that looked like it was made out of shimmering neon blue scales with black lace at the edges.Glossy black gloves formed on my hands.My hair color turned a light blue and my eyes were blue unlike the normal red they ussaully were. A neon ble tail sprouted from behind me and as everything seemed to zoom back to reality I finished with a stricking pose. Right before the snake hit me a sheid like bubble surrounded me and stoped the blow. I did a flip and landed in a nearby pond, practically flaoting above the water by the way it looked. Two scales appeared in my hands. One was a glossy black and the other ws a neon blue. I did a fluid movement with my hands and then put the two scales together. "TSNAMI WAVE!" I shouited almost instantly and a powerful wave came out of the scales and hit the snake. The snake shrunk back to a simple rattle snake and a weird jellyfish like thing floated out. a black fuzz ball came out of nowhere and ate it. I turned around and saw a boy with blond hair and deep blue eyes standing on a tree branch with another girl who seemed a bit annyoyed as if her and the boy have had a fight or something. "What is going on?" I asked them.
okay.....plz continue someone
~Satsuki Blood
