right i hav Alot ov pets but in june last year we had a new animal in are garden...
january last year we had a hedgehog in are garden his name was spike the hedgehog we gav him cat food and he had a family =] but sadly one night he got into the geese hut and fell in there pond =[ he sadly coulden't get out and ... died DX
febuary-june we left food out for his wife and 2 kidz but after a few months they dissapered but we left some food out just in case but it never got eaten
ONE night we (me and mi sister amber) noticed there was somethin eatin v food it was 2 cats! tink and hazle (mum + dad)
after a month they started 2 come regually then had 3 kittens lauren, zoey 1, cookie!
zoey 1 left but lauren and cookie stayed and had 4 kittens! biscut, stripes, zoey 2 and tiger!
then 2 months ago lauren was pregnant again! last month she gav berth to 2 health kittens katie and coco =] but 2 days ago she abbandond them =[ i found coco near are car she kept meowing and following me then katie appered i told my dad lauren hasen't been sean 4 2 days now..
my dad took 1 look at vem then picked v 6 week old fluff balls up and placed them in mi old rabbit hut!
we are now looking after v kittens but they hav mites on vem so we only pick them up a few times a day =] we gav them some treatment so v bugs shall die =]
they love milk and there startin on solids (e.g my fingers |] lol)
they are not allowd in the house cause they are wild and mum is allergic
love pudd
note: wild cats are wild so they are addapted to the area they live in